smart adj. 1.灵敏的,灵巧的,敏捷的,聪明的,伶俐的。 2.漂亮的,衣冠楚楚的,潇洒的;时髦的。 (opp. shabby, dingy)。 3.精明的,狡猾的。 4.刺痛的,厉害的,强烈的,猛烈的,尖锐的;辛辣的;活泼的,有力的;爽快的,痛快的;〔口语〕粗鲁的,无礼的。 5.〔口语〕可观的,相当大[多]的。 6. 〔口语〕(机器等)灵巧的,(炸弹等)激光制导的;电脑化的,智能型的。 a smart saying 漂亮话。 smart clothes 漂亮的衣服。 smart dealings 狡猾的手段。 smart frost 严霜。 a smart skirmish 猛烈的小接触。 walking a smart pace 轻快的步伐行走。 a smart few 相当多(的)。 smart weapons 智能化武器,激光制导的武器。 as smart as a new pin [threepence] 〔口语〕非常潇洒的[时髦的]。 as smart as a steel trap 〔美俚〕(做生意等)非常精明的。 be smart (about it) 做得麻俐。 make a smart job of it 办得巧妙。 right smart 〔美口〕极大的,许许多多的 (a right smart rain 暴雨)。 smart as threepence 〔英俚〕穿着得漂亮。 adv. =smartly. vi. 1.刺痛;作痛。 2.痛苦,伤心,悲痛;愤慨 (under)。 3.受罚,受罪 (for)。 smart under an injustice 因受委曲而感痛心。 The eyes smart with smoke. 眼睛给烟熏得痛。 smart from an insult 因受辱而愤慨。 smart with mortification 因屈辱而痛心。 smart for 因…受罚,因…吃苦头。 n. 1.疼痛;苦痛;悲痛;愤慨。 2.〔有时用pl.〕〔美、加俚〕才智,聪敏。 feel the smart of one's folly 痛恨自己愚蠢。
Smart bombs . the body ' s immune system normally produces antibodies to help fight infection 聪明的炸弹人体的免疫系统在正常的情况下产生抗体帮助抵抗感染。
China ' s top brass was stunned by the power of the u . s . air campaign and by cnn clips of smart bombs diving through ventilator shafts 中国高级将领看到美国空战的威力以及cnn短片中,智彗型飞弹潜入通风井时只有目瞪口呆。
General mike hayden , the c . i . a . ’ s chief , has said that the long war in which the nation is engaged is an intelligence war ? one that will be won or lost with information and ideas , not smart bombs 中情局局长海登将军曾说,美国投入的长期战争是情报战,输赢全赖正确资讯与观念,不是靠精灵炸弹。
It was discovered that from that building the chinese had operated sophisticated surveillance to track the performance of american warplanes , missiles and smart bombs 据发现(据谁发现?可能指的是美国) ,从大使馆中中国人正在运做高科技的监督(侦察)对美军战机,导弹和智能炸弹的运行轨迹进行监测。
Low earth - orbit satellites have become indispensable for u . s . military communications , gps navigation for smart bombs and troops , and for real - time surveillance . the chinese test highlights the satellites ' vulnerability 低地卫星对美事通讯、 gps导航及制导,和实时侦察至关重要。中国这次试验凸现了卫星的脆弱性。
Low earth - orbit satellites have become indispensable for u . s . military communications , gps navigation for smart bombs and troops , and for real - time surveillance . the chinese test highlights the satellites ' vulnerability 低地卫星对美国军事通讯、 gps导航及制导,和实时侦察至关重要。中国这次试验凸现了卫星的脆弱性。
Low earth - orbit satellites have become indispen * * * le for u . s . military communications , gps navigation for smart bombs and troops , and for real - time surveillance . the chinese test highlights the satellites ' vulnerability 低地卫星对美国军事通讯、 gps导航及制导,和实时侦察至关重要。中国这次试验凸现了卫星的脆弱性。
Low earth - orbit satellites have become indispensable for u . s . military communications , gps navigation for smart bombs and troops , and for real - time surveillance . the chinese test highlights the satellites vulnerability 低地球轨道卫星对美国军事通讯、精确炸弹和士兵的gps导航及制导和实时侦察至关重要。中国这次试验凸现了卫星的脆弱性。
Low earth - orbit satellites have become indispensable for u . s . military communications , gps navigation for smart bombs and troops , and for real - time surveillance . the chinese test highlights the satellites ' vulnerability 近地轨道卫星已成为美国军方不可或缺的通讯工具,对与智能炸弹和集群的gps导航和实时监控而言尤为如此。中国的实验聚焦于卫星的弱点。